
The Cell rhythm method, also known as chiropractic, uses essential oils of different functions to massage according to different systems of the human body. Apply 2 to 4 drops each in one direction from vertebra to cervical vertebra. Apply hot compresses on the back as we apply the oils on your feet. This is a comfortable and effective health care treatment.

Here are some essential oils that will be used for the reproductive system: Frankincense, tea tree, lavender, patchouli, coriander, happy sage, sandalwood, clove, ylang ylang, geranium, etc.

Factors such as stress, toxins, and lifestyle can impair the function of the reproductive system. Reproductive system-The use of essential oils to help solve the effects of hormonal imbalances and provide emotional support has a history of hundreds of years. As the age grows, the maintenance of the reproductive system becomes particularly important. The main manifestations of people who need to maintain the reproductive system are: frequent urination, painful urination, frequent urination at night, incomplete urination and etc.