
The Cell rhythm method, also known as chiropractic, uses essential oils of different functions to massage according to different systems of the human body. Apply 2 to 4 drops each in one direction from vertebra to cervical vertebra. Apply hot compresses on the back as we apply the oils on your feet. This is a comfortable and effective health care treatment.

Here are some essential oils that will be used for the digestive system: Frankincense, bergamot, coriander, ginger, geranium, mint, etc. The stomach and intestines are called the second brain of humans. Many diseases are caused by intestinal discomfort, such as acne on the face, colds, eczema, etc., which seem to be external manifestations, but are actually caused by stomach problems. We must pay attention to the health of the stomach and intestines. So, it is important to have treatment for our digestive system to maintain our health.